Love at the first sight

There are many kinds of men, some obsessed with breasts, some obsessed with buttocks, and some obsessed with long legs. As for women, although many women may not agree, the vast majority of women do like to look at a man’s butt. Strong eye contact can lead to strong emotions quickly, and participants who looked into the eyes of their chatting partner for a long time and received the same gaze for a long time were significantly more emotionally involved than other participants… That is, intense love and affection quickly developed between those participants who stared at each other.
Making intense, intense and even threatening eye contact with your sweetheart is the first step to getting him or her to fall in love with you. Persistent eye contact brings about an emotional state that closely resembles fear. When you stare directly and boldly into someone’s eyes, his or her body secretes chemicals like phenylethylamine, which makes people feel like they’re in love. So making intense, intense and even threatening eye contact with your sweetheart is the first step to getting him or her to fall in love with you.
In order for your lover to subconsciously feel that you are in love with each other, drastically increase the amount of eye contact you make while talking. If you want phenylethylamine to fill his or her veins, increase eye contact to 75% or more of the length of your conversation.
Staring at each other for a few seconds longer than usual, although on the surface of the silent, but can express a very rich meaning. For one woman, a prolonged stare means, “Beautiful lady, I’m falling for you. What you’re saying is driving me crazy.” A man, on the other hand, interprets a woman’s prolonged eye contact as: “I crave you, and I can’t wait to rip off your clothes and have crazy sex.”

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