The art of pick-up

Gentlemen, what are you supposed to do when you see a lady and are willing to make her your future partner? The answer is not in dispute. You should approach her very quickly. The old saying, “He who hesitates will miss the opportunity,” is still an absolute iron law in the forest of singles.
What’s the best strategy when you see an attractive lady? Let your body do the talking.
First please use your eyes. Look into her eyes and extend the eye contact between you.
She’ll probably look away, and you need to be prepared for that.
Women are taught to drop their eyes when they catch a man staring, but that doesn’t mean she’s not interested in you.
According to a scientific analysis of flirting styles, if a woman raises her eyes again within 45 seconds of looking away, she welcomes your attention.
Gentlemen, take out your stopwatch and start counting. When she slyly pretends to be interested in other things in the room, count how long it takes for her to look at you again. If it takes less than 45 seconds, follow the steps below to proceed.
Smile at her and give her a slight nod as if it were an invitation to make a reservation at a private restaurant. If you catch a woman’s attention, it means you have the exclusive right to talk to her. Throw out all thoughts like, “What if she thinks I’m too aggressive or too fast?” If you don’t get to know her, then she won’t think about anything related to you. Any woman, if you don’t get to know her quickly, she may quickly leave.

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