Body language
Intimate dance

- Step 1: Non-verbal signals. When a man and a woman are within talking distance, one lets the other know of his or her presence by smiling, nodding, or looking.
- Step two: Talk. One of the two began to speak. One person may make a comment or ask the other a question, even if it’s just a simple “hello,” but at least the two have started talking.
- Step three: Turn around. Now things get interesting. When one party sends a speech signal, the receiver at least turns his head to face the speaker, indicating that he has received the speech signal from the person. If he or she doesn’t turn his or her head away, the speaker generally won’t continue trying.
- However, if the receiver does turn his head enthusiastically towards the speaker, the two will start a conversation. Then, a critical body rotation begins to take place. Face to face body orientation gradually becomes shoulder to shoulder; If two people are attracted to each other, they will then turn their upper bodies towards each other; Then there’s the knee. Finally, in this successful chat up, the two begin to face each other with their entire bodies. This process, from face to face, belly to belly to knee to knee, can take minutes or hours. Each deeper twist of the body brings the two closer together; And each time the body turns in the opposite direction, the intimacy between the two people also decreases.
- Step 4: Make light physical contact. In the process of conversation and body gradually face to face, there is a powerful movement: light physical contact. He caresses your hand as he hands you the pretzel, brushes your coat as she helps you pick the thread… The touch is very short and almost imperceptible.
- Step 5: Synchronize. The last step of the intimacy dance looks very interesting. As if to confirm their budding affection, couples begin to perform acts in sync with each other.

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