How do you convince someone that you’re in love?
Depending on the level of conversation. There are several fantastic levels of conversation, depending on how close people are.

They are as follows:
- Level one: Cliche.
- When two people who have just met start a conversation, they always throw a few cliches at each other. Let us assume that they are talking about the universally acknowledged dullest subject – the weather. The two strangers would say, “It’s a beautiful day.” “Gosh, it’s starting to rain, isn’t it?” This is the conversation
- Lowest level: Cliche.
- Level two: Facts.
- People who know each other but don’t know each other very well often talk about facts when they talk. “You know, Joe, there were 242 sunny days last year.” “Or” Well, we finally decided to build a swimming pool to combat the heat here.”
- Level three: Feelings and personal issues.
- Friends often talk about how they feel, even if it’s about something as boring as the weather. “Gosh, Sam, I love a sunny day like this.” Or “What do you think? Do you like the sun?”
- Level four: “We” expressions.
- This is the kind of communication that very close friends or lovers enjoy. They never talk about cliches, and they talk about more than just “facts” and even more than “feelings” – this is “our expression.” When talking about the weather, lovers say things like, “If this nice weather keeps up, we should go on a trip.”
- You can create a sense of intimacy between the two of you, even if you’ve only known each other for a few minutes. In the chat, skip a level or two, or even jump straight to level three or four, thus planting the seed of intimacy in his (or her) mind.

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